
In the Merde for Love by Stephen Clarke
In the Merde for Love by Stephen  Clarke

In the Merde for Love by Stephen Clarke

Meanwhile, he continues his search for the perfect French mademoiselle.

In the Merde for Love by Stephen Clarke In the Merde for Love by Stephen Clarke

What is the best way to scare a gendarme? Why are there no health warnings on French nudist beaches? Is it really polite to sleep with your boss's mistress? And how do you cope with a plague of ripe garden vegetables? Paul discovers how to judge a French vacationer by the rustiness of his bicycle opens his English tea room and finally understands why Parisian waiters are so cranky and, on a return visit to the UK, sees the full horror of a British office party through Parisian eyes. A year after arriving in France, Englishman Paul West is still struggling with some questions. The latest episode in Stephen Clarke's almost-true account of his adventures as an expat in France is just as delightful as the original-and already a #1 bestseller in the UK. Here, Paul West, his 27-year-old narrator, is hired by a French firm to open British tearooms in Paris, improbable as that sounds. With translation rights now sold in 11 countries, Stephen Clarke is clearly a Bill Bryson (or a Peter Mayle.) for a whole new generation of readers who can never quite decide whether they love, or love to hate, the French.A Macmillan Audio production.The sequel to the international bestseller A Year in the Merde continues the hilarious saga of Paul West's misadventures in l'amour (this title was originally published as Merde, Actually in the UK ). British journalist Clarke has camouflaged the particulars, but the gist of this work (originally self-published in France) is apparently drawn directly from his own experience. Weeks later, it had become a word-of-mouth hit for expats and the French alike, even outselling Bill Clinton's memoir at Paris' fabled American bookstore, Brentano's. He also illuminates how to get the best out of the grumpiest Parisian waiter, how to survive a French business meeting, and how not to buy a house in the French countryside.The author originally wrote A Year in the Merde just for fun and self-published it in France in an English language edition.

In the Merde for Love by Stephen Clarke

He soon becomes immersed in the contradictions of French culture: the French are not all cheese-eating surrender monkeys, though they do eat a lot of smelly cheese they are still in shock at being stupid enough to sell Louisiana, thus losing the chance to make French the global language and going on strike is the second national participation sport after petanque. Based loosely on his own experiences and with names changed to "avoid embarrassment, possible legal action, and to prevent the author's legs being broken by someone in a Yves Saint Laurent suit (or quite possibly, a Christian Dior skirt)", A Year in the Merde is the story of Paul West, a 27-year-old Brit who is brought to Paris by a French company to open a chain of British "tea rooms". Summary A Year in the Merde is the almost-true account of the author's adventures as an expat in Paris.

In the Merde for Love by Stephen  Clarke