
The Salvation of Jeffrey Lapin by Summer Kinard
The Salvation of Jeffrey Lapin by Summer Kinard

The Salvation of Jeffrey Lapin by Summer Kinard The Salvation of Jeffrey Lapin by Summer Kinard

I considered it the clearest expression of Catholic soteriology to date, so I was incredibly curious to see how Akin had developed his presentation in the fourteen year interim.

The Salvation of Jeffrey Lapin by Summer Kinard

I first learned of this book when, I kid you not, I had just finished footnoting Akin’s The Salvation Controversy (2001) several times in a new book of my own. Summer writes about faith, tea, and love in journeys of healing.I use the word “definitive” quite sparingly, but it is absolutely fitting when applied to Jimmy Akin’s The Drama of Salvation: How God Rescues You From Your Sins and Brings You to Eternal Life(Catholic Answers Press, 2015). You will find up to date posts on her writing life at her site:, or follow her on Instagram for up to the moment updates: When she's not writing or teaching, Summer loves to sing opera with local groups. Her curriculum e-books (Creative Writing for Kids, Hands-On Sunday School Lessons, How to Tell Bedtime Stories) are based on her real teaching life. Her three younger siblings and dozens of younger cousins are as much an inspiration for her interactive teaching style as her own five children. Long before she went to grad school, Summer learned to teach in her extended family. She has taught in churches for decades and currently spends most of her instruction time in her homeschool and co-op. (2005, early church history and theology) from Duke University Divinity School. All of her novels are secretly set in Durham.

The Salvation of Jeffrey Lapin by Summer Kinard

Summer's next novel, Tea and Crumples, will be out in November 2015 with Light Messages Publishers. Her paranormal Orthodox Christian romance, The Salvation of Jeffrey Lapin, has received glowing reviews from readers. Summer Kinard has risen from the ashes to teach and spread her glow. irst novel, Can't Buy Me Love, was a USA TODAY Happy Ever After pick for Women's Fiction. Comining out of darkness series will uplfift, entertain, and encourage people to do their best.

The Salvation of Jeffrey Lapin by Summer Kinard